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Monday, December 6, 2021



The amount of sleep you need every night will vary from person to person. Some people can function on 4 hours of sleep or less, while others need 8 hours or more a night. The amount of rest your body needs is based on many factors such as age and activity level. There are studies that show that the average adult requires 7-8 hours per day, and this number increases with age. This article will explore how much sleep you really need each night, what happens when you don’t get enough sleep, and why it’s important to give your body adequate time for recovery!


Everyone needs a different amount of sleep each night. It is recommended that adults get at least seven hours, but this could be more or less depending on individual differences. The amount of time you need can depend on how active you are during the day and what your regular bedtime routine looks like. If you have a job with an early start time, you may need to get up an hour or two earlier than most people.

Importance Of Sleep

There are many different reasons why sleep is important. Sleep helps regulate stress hormones and it also protects the brain against neurodegenerative disease. People who do not get enough sleep can have trouble learning new information and making decisions while they feel more vulnerable to illness.

A lack of sleep can also lead to obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Sleep deprivation is a major public health problem that has been linked with numerous chronic diseases. The brain needs about one hour for each day’s new memories, otherwise, they start disappearing from the hippocampus’ short-term memory storage. This process impacts how well we learn.

Getting the right amount of sleep each night is important for our health, as well as how we function during the day. For best results, try to get about seven hours per night and always make sure you go to bed at a regular time every evening. It can take many weeks or months before your body adjusts biologically to this new sleep schedule, but it is worth the effort.

Be More Productive

Getting more sleep each night can help you be more productive and feel healthier. If your work requires a lot of mental energy or creativity, getting enough rest at night will increase productivity for both daytime and nighttime hours. You may also find that you have an easier time making decisions on short-term tasks because you are not feeling as emotionally exhausted from lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation has been linked to poor decision-making in people who are fatigued so there’s a chance this could affect your quality of life if left untreated!

Establish A Bedtime Routine

Establish a bedtime routine where you read before going to bed. This will allow your brain enough time for restful contemplation so it’s easier at night when trying to go into deep sleep mode! -Avoid screens (TVs/laptops) one hour before sleep because they stimulate us mentally which activates our minds instead of letting them relax naturally in order to make room for melatonin production. Avoid caffeine late in the day as well- this can cause panic attacks, anxiety, and irritability.


In summary, it is recommended that adults get at least seven hours of SLEEP. This might be more or less depending on individual differences and their bedtime routine. It also depends on what your job time looks like and how active you are during the day. There are many different reasons why sleep is important to our health such as regulating stress hormones and protecting the brain against neurodegenerative disease. A lack of sleep can lead to obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., so getting enough SLEEP really matters for us in general!

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